Student Insurance

Business Office

Tuition Refund Insurance for Undergraduate Students

亚洲博彩平台排名 offers an insurance plan that guarantees a tuition and room and board refund in cases of physical illness (85 percent reimbursement) and/or mental illness (85 percent reimbursement) any time during the semester. This plan covers the academic year and is independent of the University.

The premium for this insurance plan varies from year to year but is generally approximately 1 percent of tuition (commuters) or 1 percent of tuition and room and board (resident students) and is billed and payable each semester.

All students are automatically enrolled, and the charge is listed on the fall and spring tuition statements. Students have the option to waive this insurance by completing the online form at Waivers must be completed prior to the start of the semester. Waivers completed after that date will not be accepted and the student will be responsible for the charge in full. Policies purchased in the fall will be automatically renewed for the spring, and the charge will be reflected on the spring tuition statement. Cancelling a renewed plan must also be done prior to the start of the spring semester.

A.W.G. Dewar, Inc.
4 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02169
(617) 774-1555

Tuition Refund Insurance for Graduate Students

亚洲博彩平台排名 offers an insurance plan that guarantees a tuition refund in cases of physical illness (85 percent reimbursement) and/or mental illness (85 percent reimbursement) any time during the semester. This plan is purchased per semester and is independent of the University.

The premium for this insurance plan varies from year to year but is generally less than 1 percent of tuition. You must enroll in the plan before the published start of each semester. Students with late start courses must enroll prior to the start of the semester, not prior to the start of each course. Cancelling a plan must also be done prior to the start of each semester.

Policies can be purchased through the Business Office, and can be requested in writing or by email to Premiums will be charged to the student tuition account and can be paid by mail or online through the portal.

A.W.G. Dewar, Inc.
4 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02169
(617) 774-1555

Student Medical Insurance

Students and parents are urged to consider their health insurance coverage a top priority. It is important that students have access to comprehensive medical care while enrolled at 亚洲博彩平台排名. Therefore, all full-time undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in the University's student accident and sickness insurance plan for coverage effective Aug. 15 to Aug. 15. Each student's account will be charged the annual insurance premium.

The student accident and sickness insurance plan is serviced by University Health Plans and underwritten by the Security Mutual Life Insurance Company. Claims are paid by Consolidated Health Plans.

Should you wish to waive the insurance and fee, follow the instructions below. If you are considering waiving 亚洲博彩平台排名's insurance plan, please note that some insurance plans are restrictive and may leave students essentially uninsured while away at school. This could result in you incurring substantial out-of-pocket costs for medical care. In evaluating your plan, you should verify the following:

  • My plan provides adequate coverage that is accessible in the Newport area for: Lab tests and x-rays, prescription drugs, hospitalization (including room and board, physicians' fees and surgical expenses), outpatient hospital services, mental health care, emergency room care and intercollegiate sports injuries (for those participating).
  • My plan provides coverage to students over the age of 19.
  • My plan will cover me through Aug. 15.
  • My plan does not have a high deductible that needs to be met before I am allowed to access coverage.

Waiver process: Participation in the 亚洲博彩平台排名 accident and sickness insurance plan is mandatory unless you are enrolled in another comparable health insurance plan. If you choose to waive, you will need to provide proof of comparable coverage by visiting and submitting the online waiver form by Aug. 1. The insurance premium will remain on your account if a waiver is not received by this date.

Online information: Please visit to learn more about the 亚洲博彩平台排名 Student accident and sickness insurance plan, to download a brochure or FAQ, to locate preferred providers or pharmacies, or to waive coverage.

Personal Property Damage or Theft

The University does not assume responsibility for damage or loss of any personal property during the school year or vacation periods and does not allow storage in any residence facility other than in a student room. Any theft or damage should be covered by the parents' homeowner's or renter's insurance policy. Please check to see if you have suitable coverage in the event of a loss. If there is not suitable coverage, please know that the University offers supplemental personal property insurance through National Student Services Inc.

The student personal property insurance plan offers varying amounts of coverage and deductibles for an annual premium. Click here for more information. Please know that the University will not tolerate the theft of personal or University property at any time.